Kinsale Cultural and Heritage Society hosted 4th class students at the town’s Library to mark Seachtain na Gaeilge as Seanchaí, Paddy O’Brien, entertained the gathering. The second year the local history society organised the event, it has proven to be very popular with the students from Summercove NS, Scoil Naomh Eltin, Dunderrow NS, St Multose […]
Chaos at Upton, The Train ambush of February 1921
On the 15th of February 1921, 13 members of the IRA, including the Officer in charge of the 3rd Brigade of the Cork IRA, Charlie Hurley, lay in wait to ambush a party of British soldiers at Upton train station. The hastily gathered party of IRA Volunteers lacked the experience of the men of the […]
Kinsale’s missing heritage
In September 2016, several large signs to mark key locations on the Battle of Kinsale were stolen. The remaining signs were removed by the local authority for safe keeping. Nine years have almost passed since the historic markers were taken and despite the best efforts of the community, including the Chairman of Kinsale Cultural and […]
Minister Launches Website
Minister of State at the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage Christopher O’Sullivan TD officially launched the Kinsale Cultural and Heritage Society website,, last week at their annual table quiz. Pictured at the launch with the minister were JJ Hurley, Chairman; Terry Connolly, President and Padraig Walsh, Vice-Chairman.Picture. John Allen
The Diary of Elizabeth Meade of Ballymartle 1884.
The Diary of Elizabeth Meade of Ballymartle 1884. Background Elizabeth Meade was born in West Cork in 1860. She was the eldest daughter of Adam Newman Meade who had been born at Ballymartle House, near Riverstick, in 1812. Adam was a younger son of Rev. Richard Meade, and so had been obliged to make his […]
Dr George Vickery – from Ballymartle to Kinsale
Dr George Vickery – from Ballymartle to Kinsale Fergal Browne ‘My first November at Shreelane was composed of weather of which my friend Flurry Knox remarked that you wouldn’t meet a Christian out of doors, unless it was a snipe or a dispensary doctor.’ ‘Some Experiences of an Irish R.M.’ Somerville & Ross (1903). The […]
Fighting Pirates at Oysterhaven
Fighting Pirates at Oysterhaven November 1618. Fergal Browne In the archives of Kent, in England, there lies a handwritten document dated 1621. Written in Elizabethan script by Admiral Sir Thomas Button it declares itself to be: A true accounte of services donne by his Majesties shippe the Phenix on the Coaste of Ireland, Under my […]
A Kinsale Connection with the Battle of Coronel
By Padraig Walsh On the 1st November – All Saints Day – 1914 a naval battle off the coast of Chile, known as the battle of Coronel resulted in the destruction of a Royal Navy squadron. The British had suffered its first naval defeat for over a century with the loss of two armoured […]